As it appears our year of 2020 has been somewhat derailed, we have cancelled all of our events and I am taking long service leave for the time being. We will be in touch when things have righted themselves.
Meanwhile, can I recommend these (local) bookshops who are doing the hard yards of getting books into the world:
Ironbird Bookshop
Collins Warrnambool
Warrnambool Books
Books I've recently read and thoroughly enjoyed have included:
Phosphoresence by Julia Baird
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid
Blueberries by Ellena Savage
The Inland Sea by Madeleine Watts
The Shifting Landscape by Katherine Kovacic (a murder mystery set around Hamilton, southwest Victoria, and significant mention made of Budj Bim, so it should really appeal to local people).
I will get back to blogging about books soon. Stay tuned. Also, if you've read a good book lately, I'd love to hear about it.
Stay safe, everyone. x